Joan Stacke-Graham Lecture
“New Discoveries in American Majolica”
Laura Microulis, PhD
Free to the public, but registration is required
Dr. Laura Microulis will present new evidence on the design, manufacture, and attribution of majolica produced in America from the last quarter of the nineteenth century. With a particular focus on the Arsenal Pottery located in Trenton, New Jersey, and the Harrison Peekskill Pottery Works in upstate New York, Dr. Microulis will highlight some of the distinctive American expressions of majolica while framing the material within its historical, social, and cultural context.
Dr. Microulis is a Research Associate at Bard Graduate Center. A material culture scholar with a specialization in nineteenth-century decorative arts and design, Dr. Microulis received her PhD from BGC in 2016. She has published articles in Furniture History, Studies in the Decorative Arts, and The Magazine Antiques and has lectured on topics ranging from the sources of Aesthetic Movement taste to the influence of patrons and collectors on the decorative arts.